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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Laksa Pahang

Resipi Dari Istana

Laksa Pahang

Laksa Pahang

  • 500g ikan tenggiri
  • 50g ikan tenggiri jeruk (masin)
  • 250g bawang merah
  • 80g bawang putih
  • 40g halia
  • 100g lada kering
  • 4 batang serai
  • 2 sudu makan biji ketumbar
  • ½ sudu makan jintan putih
  • ½ sudu makan jintan manis
  • 100g kelapa parut – dibuat kerisik
  • 3-4 cawan santan pekat
  • 1 cawan air rebusan ikan
  • Laksa beras atau laksa gandum
Untuk hiasan
  • Kacang panjang
  • Daun kesum
  • Daun selasih
  • Timun – diparut halus
  • Tauge – dibuang ekor tetapi tidak dicelur
  • Bawang besar – dibelah dua dan dihiris nipis
  • Limau kasturi – dibelah dua dan dibuang biji
  • Telur masin – direbus, dibuang kulit dan dibelah empat
  • Sebuku belacan – dibakar sedikit
  • Lada kering – dilembutkan dan dikisar halus
  • Garam
Cara memasak
  • Ketumbar, jintan putih dan jintan manis digoreng berasingan tanpa minyak sehingga naik bau.
  • Kisar kerisik, bahan-bahan yang digoreng tanpa minyak dan rempah-rempah bersama 1½ cawan santan.
  • Ikan-ikan yang direbus dibuang kulit dan tulangnya. Kisar isi ikan bersama setengah cawan santan.
  • Masak kesemua bahan yang dikisar awal tadi bersama santan yang berlebihan dan air rebusan ikan. Masukkan ikan-ikan yang baru dikisar dan kacau. Reneh di atas api kecil sehingga kuah menjadi pekat dan pecah minyak.
  • Laksa dihidang dengan ulam-ulam dan sambal bersama kuah.
    more referent please Click here:

Types of wooden hull construction

Some types of wood construction include:

arvel.With this technique the planks are fit together edge-against-edge. They do not overlap each other. They are fixed at the frames and the outside of the hull is smooth. The edges are beveled so that they meet (or almost meet) at the inside, leaving an open seam on the outside that is generally caulked with cotton and then filled with a filler to obtain a smooth surface. This was one of the earliest methods of boat construction and is still sometimes used today. The wood in carvel boats was intended to move, and will expand and contract as the hull absorbs and emits moisture and as temperatures change. The integrity of the framing and the fasteners is of the utmost importance. New carvel-planked boats will usually run and sail without leaking, but older boats will almost always leak at least a little, and sometimes a lot.

ouble-planked.The hull is constructed of two layers of edge-butted planks, one layer on a diagonal to the other and almost always with a mastic or painted canvas between the planking layers to prevent leakage. The double planking added some structural rigidity to the hull, but hull integrity still depends on the integrity of the fasteners and the framing. There is also the cold molding method of construction which is basically a refined modification of the double planked method, using thin sheets of wood bonded to each other in complex curves.

apstrake.The exterior edges of lightweight planks are overlapped slightly, and then beveled and riveted or screwed to frames, giving the hull itself an integrated structure, allowing some reduction in interior framing as compared to carvel construction. This technique was developed in Scandinavia over 1000 years ago, and is still used today in contemporary boat building. The Lyman line was one of the most famous of the lapstrake constructed boats in the United States, and many Lyman boats are still in use.

lywood.The major advantage for plywood boat is it has relatively light interior framing and more integrated structure. This plywood boats became popular for the builder in the 50’s and are still commonly built today, usually by small shops and individuals. There are a number of different methods of fastening the plywood, from screws to polymer adhesives to “stitch-and-glue”. Good plywood is an excellent material for boat construction, but is vulnerable to rot, deterioration, and delamination.

trip-planked.Strip-planked boats also became popular in the 50’s and are still being built by contemporary boat builders. Square or almost square strips of wood are laid over relatively light framing and bonded together edge-to-edge, originally with marine adhesives such as resorcinol but more recently with epoxies. They are the most watertight of wood constructed boats, and relatively easy to repair. The strip-planking gives the hull great structural rigidity. These boats are sometimes covered by fiberglass, an idea that works better in theory than it often does in fact.

esin over wood.Resin and fiberglass always cloth over strip-planked or plywood boats in the new construction. It can work well if epoxy resin is used and applied to new or good wood under proper conditions. There have been many attempts to coat old hulls with cloth and resin, and most of the time they result in failure.

there is thousand web about this but
below is some of web that i refer from.

more info Click here:   
  1. wikipedia-boatbuilding
  2. Mark Smaalders Yacht Designs 
  3. rotdoctor
  4. azom

01 December 2010

esitu kesini…semakin hari semakin ribut?pokok ditanam ulam mendatang..sekian hari esok datang lagi. Hati ini manakan sama seribu jiwa.menusuk langit terjun ke bumi.oh rumput membiru lautan.ku seru semangat mu.usirkan aq dari belengu duniawi jauhi aq dr malam yang xsudah.membuatkan aq

terdiam disubuh hari.berteman kan cengkerik panas siang datang lagi.hujan yang turun bkn mutiara.banjir yang lalu
menyapa pergi.oh daun Mengapa Begitu? Serik Diri Mu Bercinta Xjemu Aq Menerima.Bangun Ku Dr Teratak Sepi.Perlu? BERDIRI? sIAPA KAMU? aQ TIDAK KAMU ya! Hilang lalu datang sekejap.xperlu kata fana menimpa.itulah aq.kamu tahu? mUNGKIN…