contEnt Inc.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Employment Law in Malaysia

Employment means work or service performed by an individual to the task at hand for another person or entity in exchange for wages or other remuneration.
Employment Law is the law which regulates the operation of the labour market in general and the employment relationship between employers and employees in particular. Examples include hiring process, suspension from work, maternity rights, layoff and wages.
The obligations and rights of an employment contract are covered by the Employment law.
When an offer for employment is made by an employer to an employee, the law governing the relationship between an employee and an employer begins.
An employer in relation to an employee or a workman, means a person by whom the employee or workman is employed. An employer obtains the services of another to perform work and has direct control of the way in which the work is to be done.
An employer shall provide the means through which the services will be performed such as providing a place where the work is to be performed and tools required to get the job done.
Contract of service means any agreement, whether express or implied, and if express, whether oral or in writing where the employer agrees to employ and the employee agrees to be employed and includes an apprenticeship contract.
In general, an employee means a person who has entered into or works under a contract of employment. There are different interpretations for the term, employee, in different Acts governing the labour market in Malaysia. Those interpretations will determine whether you are an employee protected under the scope of an Act.
Where an employee begins employment with an employer and for a period of more than one month, such employee must be given a written contract of employment with particulars of the terms and conditions of employment including the notice period required to terminate the contract of employment.
The principal legislation governing the labour market and employment relationship in Malaysia is the Employment Act 1955. However, the application of these rules to Sarawak and Sabah references made under the Act shall be substituted by references to the Sarawak Labour Ordinance (Cap. 76) and Sabah Labour Ordinance (Cap. 67) or other written laws in force in Sarawak or Sabah, as the case may be.
Some other legal regulations include:

Friday, January 28, 2011



Basic road safety rules should never be taken for granted. Parents need to instill in children the importance of playing safe when on the road.
How often do we sit with our children and explain to them about being cautious or safe? Parents today are so busy trying to provide the best for their children that they often overlook some of the more important aspects of parenting – like road safety. Basic road safety rules have been taken for granted. We see more and more little children playing by the roadside without proper adult supervision. Here are some important guidelines that can help you keep your child safe:
Teach your children that it is safer to stand on the pavement before crossing and not on the side of the road. Always ensure that your child is supervised by an adult when on the road and that his/her hand is held firmly by an adult. Remember, children below the age of 10 are incapable of crossing the road safely on their own as they cannot judge speed, the distance of approaching vehicles and the direction of sounds accurately compared to adults. Parents should teach children to recognize overhead bridges, zebra crossings and traffic light junctions as safe areas to cross. Crossing at dangerous points of the road can cause tragedy.
If your child has to walk home alone after school, tell him/her to walk facing the traffic. This will make it easier for the child to anticipate approaching danger.
Never allow your child to play on the road. The road is not a playground. Children often get too engrossed with the games that they are playing and may not notice approaching vehicles. Also children who live near busy roads or frequently-used roads need to be brightly dressed to increase their visibility to other road users.  To ensure that children are safe in your car, always ensure they are securely strapped in an appropriate child seat or a seat belt. Use the child lock or window lock provided in most cars to ensure the safety of your child and to avoid any untoward accidents such as accidental opening of the door or windows.
Children may not want to abide by these rules at the beginning. However, with a little persuasion from adults, children can learn to be safe on our roads. Role playing at home on road safety etiquette may be a good way to impart knowledge on road safety to our children. Your living room can be the training ground for a safer tomorrow.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Kalender Hijri 2011/2012

 Heap! Waa..slalu nyer kita tgk2 kalender kat dinding umah tut p xtgk pony g kalender hari ini saya nk kongsi2 dgn kamu…muahaha…mari la tgk sesame yob!

 tahun 2012
 tahun 2011

 ha...ade dua jadual nie...sources nie aq dpt lupe.....hihi. selamat beramal..

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Loghat Pahang

Pahang merupakan negeri yang terbesar di Semenanjung Malaysia. Walaupun begitu, pada hari ini bahasa/loghat Pahang semakin sukar didengari. Oleh itu semakin sukar didengari oleh golongan muda semakin sukarlah memahami ayat2/kata2 orang tua2 sekarang. Sebab itu bebudak sekarang babel xdengo kate.hihi.moh kite layan…zzz.

Jom kite tgk2 kamus loghat Pahang nie..
Agok - agak, teka
Agok - rantai, alat perhiasan leher, tangkal di leher
air tawo = air yang telah dijampi
Ampuh - sempat
ampuh - temgelam
ande - ada
Aok - awak
asok - himpit
awok -awak

Babir - degil
Bahan - pukul, Contoh : bahan kuat sket..bior mampuih.
bale- dahsyat
bale- satu sumpah laknat
bantai - buat sesuka hati
bedai - buat ikut sedap tangan.
Bela - repair contoh ayat Bila aok nok bela TV tu?
Berahi - suka (lebih kpd barang ye bukan org...kekkeke...disebut
Beraluih/beralus - perangai yang sopan santun,berbudi bahasa ,contoh ayat :
mak suka benor ngan si tipah tu..beralus budaknya
Berambi - berhati-hati,berwaspada
Berderau - gotong royong
Bergodok - menghentak kaki ke batang lesung secara bersama/serentak serta
dengan kadar yang cepat masa mengempin
Beringor - memberitahu
Berlemin - berminyak
Berlengging - tak pakai baju, pakai suar jer
Bersalai - disebut bersalei- maksud : tak mandi pagi
Berte'eih - bertungkus-lumus,usaha gigih
Bertonyeh - gaduh mulut
Biroh - gatal
Borok - borak
boya - ferry
Boyaih - boroi
Buas - lasak
Buboh - letak

ce - awalan pada beberapa perbuatan..seperti
Cemuih - bosan
Cenekang - kuku cekam tu le
Cekut - cakup/beritahu
Celau - hari ribut..sebab melakukan sesuatu luar biasa/tabie..seperti laga
Chika - mual/muntah/perut memulas
Cokei - cukai
cokeng - tegak
Cakner -tak amek peduli, tak kisah.Contoh :sebab pagi tadi aku lupa gi keja
gosok baju.. lalu mak aku kata bebudak sekarang ni tok cakne langsung
Cope - (cho~pe), tepi... at the edge, hampir nak jatuh
Congkeh : Cungkil / pick (Tak malu ngat budok tu congkeh gigi depan orang ramei)
Cegeng : Telinga capang / long & wide (maksud lebih kurang) - (Patut la anak koi ni degil jek, telinga cegeng rupanya)

Dan - sempat,cth : la napenye tak makan lagi?tak dan ker?
Daur - sebaya,berkaitan dgn usia
Degut - [ isk nak beri makna benda lak ni ] Dedor - suam-suam kuku
Dema - (awak,biasanya utk ramai) cthnya: dema ni takde keja lain ke
Doh - sudah , Contoh : awok doh makan ker?
Dedeh : kerat / potong / cut (Ce dedeh buah mempelam sket ke koi)



GGamoknye - agaknya
Gasok - suka hati awaklah
Gebor : Selimut / Blanket (Tiap-tiap malam, koi tido tok payoh pakei gebor, panaih weh..)
Gerik-gerik - waktu senja
getek - seakan-akan juga
Getik - geli,meluat
ghona - macam mana
godang - buat dengan kuat sampai rosak
Godei - kacau kacau air, dodol
Goge - hingar bingar
Gohek - kayuh
Gonggot - rambut yang digunting tak sekata
Gonyoh - Sental kuat2

Habat/habad - pengotor
Hambat - kejar
Hantoi - lembap,slow pergerakan
Hokok - tamak, berkaitan cara makan
Homeh : Becok / Talkative (Anok koi hak kecik tu, homeh betoi)


Jabir - plastik
jamban - jeti tempat bot belaboh diperbuat dari 2 atau3 batang balak untuk
membasuh, mandi dan mengikat bot, selain menjadi jamban terapong dii Sunagi
Jelun - biasanya kalau demam ambil tuala.celup ngan air asam jawa. jelun
Jenih - jenis
Jenuh - puas,cth : ntoh ler..jenuh dah koi nunggu
Juwei - dahan pokok yang yang mencecah permukaan sungai (kalau tak silap la)

kahat -(jarang digunakan)
Kain cuking - sehelai kain basahan
Kair - (ke air)maknanya..pergi ke sungai.ngail
karang - nanti,sebentar lagicth : karang lah mok koi kupas nyour tu
kawan - saya
Kawe - saya
Kecah - Lecak
kecek - tipu
kederat - upaya
keh - saya
kehem - berkehem, bersungguh-sungguh/keterlaluan
kehut,kehot,kehak - letih..sengal
kekalu - emping dibuat dari padi pulut
keknya - tetapi
Kelas - cuci ikan menggunakan asam
Kelat - tipu (nie bukan kelat buah tau)cth ayat :tak aci sungguh main kelat
kelek = bawa dengan tangan tetapi barang di bawah ketiak.
Kememe - sama cam tembe gak
kenit - kecil
Kepat - hisap di dalam mulut terutama bagi pill dan gula-gula
kepek = 'crushed flat' ,meleperkan
kepok - tempat simpan padi
kerajat - taktau (kena tanya tihani ni)
Kerang - menangis dengan sepenuh hati
Kerapoh - sisa2/bersepah cth:sisa -Boh ke kawan kerapoh tulang2 ikan tu yek
Keri - ketawa teramat sangat.gelak guling-guling
kerui - gunting rambut
kipai - letih /lenguh tangan
kobek - belek2...menyiasat ( bukan menyiasat org ye )
kocek - pocket
kodi/kudi? - ketinggalan zaman
Kohot - sengal badan
koi - saya,aku(biasa pakai belah temerloh je)
Kome - kami
komeng - sinonim ngan nyiur/kelapa
Komoih - Gomol.Jgn le komoih budak tu nak tido weh
kona - ke mana
kuan - saya
Kuit/menguit - biase nye menunjukkan sesuatu yang banyak/ramai
Kulo - warna kelabu tahi anjing
Kupik - kedekut

Kome : Kami / We (Kome nok ke Lepih ujung minggu ni)
koi : saya / I / Me (Koi sedih betoi nengok anok-anok yatim kat Gaza tu..)
Kek nya : Tetapi / But (Koi nok sangat pegi beli telipon baru, keknya tok cukup duit)
Kode : Kacau / Stir (Ce tolong kode kan gulei ikan patin mok tu)
Kohoit : Lenguh / Tired (similar) (Koi banyok sangat berjalan pagi tadi, kohoit lutut)
Kepong (sebut 'e' seperti sebut 'e' dalam perkataan 'kekek') (Sedap ngat koi kepong biji buoh mempelam tadi)
Kisok : Kelam-kabut / Clumsy (Kisok ngat aok ni bila nok pegi keje..)

lacuh - tempat yang banyak dilalui atau digunakan
lantak aok - suka hati awak
Lat - tenggang/jarak masa
Lece - Tilam,
lecoh - becak
ledut - pekat
lehet - dipakai bagi bagi buah labu
Lejut - basah teruk(lencun)
lembah - tempat bertakung air kotor dibawah rumah.
lembang(berlembang) - sepah, berterabur
lengit - kalah teruk
Lepe - cuai
leweh - lemah longlai(cakap atau utk perbuatan)


Malaih - malas
Mamai - emosi tak stabil(betul ke guna makna ni?)
Manis meleting - teramat manis
Masam Menaung - Masam Sesangat
Masam mencekut - masam sesangat
Mek nye(matnya) - kenapanya
Melantong - busuk sangat
Melengger - apa ye perkataan sesuai.contohnya perahu yang hampir nak dimasuki
Melepam - pahit/.masin/masam sangat
Meleweh - bercakap mcm nak tak nak
melukah - (kain yang dipakai terbuka)
Membute - tido
Mencanak -laju sangat(mencayak?)
Mencayak tu - laju sangat bawak moto
Mencelabak - benda jatuh dalam jumlah yang banyak atau berat
menda - apa benda
menganjing - mengada..hehe
Mengaran,menajau - menangkap ikan dengan cacak tiang tgh sungai ikat tangsi
dan mata kail.untuk pemberatnya tampat botol bersama.
Mengekelan - tercekik(berkaitan dengan makan)
Mengekot - tubuh berbaring dengan bengkok..ala cam asam gelugur kedudukanya.
Mengelentat - mengada2 seksi
Mengelice- mengelupur
Menggeledeng - (Susah la nak explain maknanya), tp something yg merujuk kpd
pergerakan badan.Bakper menggeledeng ngat ni?
Menginding - kita dekati pihak lain secara diam-diam,jugabermaksud
Mengkane - telekung sembahyang
Mengkone - kemana-mana
Mengoloh - tolak balik/undur
Mengopeh - suka pegang sana..pegang sini..tangan tak duduk diam
Mengoteh, meroteh - tgn tak dok diam
Mengkei - masak (utk buah-buahan)
Menikei/kenikei - buah tembikai
Mentek - excess "gemuk", obese
Meraban - tak tentu hala
Merabung -kuantiti yang banyak.nasi sepingan rabung
Merahang - (jarang digunakan)
Merarau - tanya orang tembeling..makna
Merawei - satu lagi cara menangkap ikan.
Merebang/mengerebang - rambut tak terurus
Mereloh - tido
Merening -benda yang nak pecah(bulat)
Merepau -jalan dalam hutan tanpa tujuan
Merepih - mencangkul rumput
Merohong - wangi sangat
Meronoh - buang air besar
Mikai - buah tembikai
Moh - jom, mari, pergi
Mok - mak
Mombong - penuh
Motong - (menoreh getah)
Moh : Jom / Ayuh / Lets (di percayai orang putih tiru perkataan MOVE dari kita) - (Moh kita ke Pekan Sari ramei-ramei)
Meskir / Miskir : Terkilan / Dissapointed (Ni kome miskir ni, bila tak dan nok jumpa arwah)
Muyaih : Kotor / Serabut / Dirty (Tiap kali balik dari sekoloh, muyaih ngat anok koi)


Ngilir - menghala kehilir sungai.(dengan bot/perahu) secara perlahan.
Ngonyoh - gosok dengan kasar
Nyayup - tinggi sangat diatas atau bawah sangat
Nyeraya - suruh
Nyuluh - operasi buru binatang hutan pada mlm hari
Ngercuk : Ramai sangat / Crowded ( Tadi koi pegi tengok sales kat Sogo, ngercuk orang)


Oteing - Pening!Pah palih! Oteing paler kawan nak buat mende ni!
otok - marah, contoh otok awok
Oge : Goyang / Sway / Wobbled (Lama dah kerusi ni, sampei dah oge)


pah paleh - satu ekspressi seaka-akan terperanjat
Palor - Biar
Paluh - air sungai yang terkepung dek pasir(air tak mengalir)
peda - budu
pedaah - bohong
Pedooh' - tipu
Pepalih - maksudnya macam...ishh...teruknye. cthnye : pepalih awok nyape buat
pepeh = 'flat shaped'., leper
Perintan - Keadaan,masa
Peti - Peti sejuk
pipit - alat kelamin budak lelaki yang masih belum berkhatan.
Podot – sumbat cth ayat: kadir.kalau tok muat jugek aok podot je la baju tu
dlm beg ni
Polok - gelojoh, makan banyak sangat lauk
Pundung/safa - rumah kecik yang dibuat untuk berehat seperti tepi sawah,kebun
durian dsb
puyuh - alat kelamin budak lelaki yang masih belum berkhatan.
Polok : Tamak / Greedy ( Aok jangan polok sangat berbelanja..)



Racik - jerat ayam hutan
Ralit - kusyuk
Rege - harga
Rodong/ghodong - kengkawan cth. ayat: mok..koi nok keluor kejak jumpa ghodong
Rompong : Kemek / Snub (Laju betul budak india tu bawak kereta, silap-silap rompong kereta tu karangg)
Recor : Terliur / Desire (Koi recor betul bila nampok cecolek mempelam..)
Raban : Merapu / Hentam (Meraban koi mencari rumoh tok penghulu tadi)

sepat - alat kelamin budak perempuan yang belum baligh.
sumpit = bekas yang pepeh yang di buat daripada mengkuang, biasa nya untuk di
isi beras atau emping. Saiz nya bias 18" x 12"
Sokmo : Selalu / Always (Aok ni kalau tengok citer hindustan sokmo menangis)

Sede : Koman (Merujuk kepada tingkahlaku individu) - ( Sede ngat aok ni, nok bele rantei basiko pun tak reti)

Tagang - cth ayat "tagang ampai kain"
tak ca-ana = tidak ambil perhatian atau tidak mahu mendengar dengan teliti.
Taruk - letak
Tating - angkat eg: tating kain, angkat kain
Tawor behe - Tawar Sesangat (Air)
Tebal bakut - sangat tebal ( bak kata org pahang ckp bahse KL tebal giler!)
Teging - cth ayat "teging nya tali tu.."
tekeh - sekeh/ketuk/pukul dengan belakang gemgaman tangan.
Tekeih - sikit lagi. tekeih dah no kena ikan tadi.(sikit lagi nak dapat
tangkap ikan itu)
Tembe - lembek, lemah, manja
Tertomos - jatuh tersembam, tersungkur
Tohor - cetek , cth ayat: lor..mek nya tohor ngat air sungei nie
Tok - tidak , Cth : tok makan lagi la..kawan lapo nie,
tokok - tambah



Wabe/bala/papalih - lebih kurang le makna tiga perkataan tu.
weh - kata penambah, contoh, sedap weh.
 Woreh : Waris / Relatives (pak asan tu bukan woreh kome)



zik - zip seluar, contoh zik awok terbukok
zaman tori : zaman dulu / lama / been known for a long time (isk3x...aok pakai baju zaman tori ke?)

dah bace? So pe pendapat oak smue? Dah phm blom? Kalo xpaham g jelas n nyata oak nie base babel susah nok ajo! Hahahaha(gurau jer). Sebenarnya byk lagi bahasa yg kite xpenah dengar.ade yg dah lupus n ade yg xpnah kalo ade plz la bgtau k..
so pasni kalo aq ckp tu oak me smue sile la pepaham kit.
Selamat beramal.