This day is the last day for this month of May, 2010.that mean this day is 31 May 2010.wake up in the morning at 10.00 am wash my face and prepared the paint.set up my work place, clean the wall first, wash the roller.tup tap tup tap after that I goes to the workshop to sent my car has a problem.the air condition need to be fix.tup tap tup tap after survey around 5-6 workshop, aq pond a ble2 da nie..duit xckp..kdai mau 6-7k..cilakak tol.nak ble yg 2nd hand xlalu..upah same jer mahal..ari da panas..dok dlm kete mcm dlm oven..da abih pusing2 area puchong+kinrara aq pon blk r..badan tgh angin nie..clakak tol..bikin panas..xpe2 blk ngecat dulu..da settle ngecat akak aq pond a blk suddenly ari pon ujan..lebat..lebat..lebat..sgt lebat aq redah la xkire ati da panas..skejap je baju kering..tepon mat..’alo joe..ko de mane?’die ckp xkeje aq pon pikir2 sat trus roger die blk ckp aq on d way..sampai cheras g kdai spare part bleh plak xjual..hangin tp kool..tetibe mat bwk g 1 kdai nie..die ckp budget pep e smue die pon bukak laa….da bukak rupenyer compressor aq da barai..piston bengkok..adeh!! setepek atas muke..alamak..tokey kdai pon suggest pe yg patut ngam 550! Huh lega dpt flush,filter gas “CFC” compressor sunden rekon..bereh..thanks to my pren mat kobam sbb stay situ..tq to tokey n kuli2 sbb wat kete aq de best..skunk kete da sejuk so just tgg lagi pe sakit..hihi..kete ku da sejuk..mengeletar..
Sejuk nie: kiDx
Xsejuk: compressor sunden (rekon)
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